Ojibwe Prayer

Ojibwe Prayer Honoring Gaylord Nelson

by St. Croix Scenic Byway on June 9, 2013

Ojibwe Prayer Honoring Gaylord Nelson.


Ojibwe Prayer Commemorating Gaylord Nelson

by St. Croix Scenic Byway on June 9, 2013

Ojibwe PrayerSpoken by Rusty Barber, Vice Chairman of the Tribal Governing Board of the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Ojibwe.  Rusty is grandson of Bill Barber who guided former Minnesota and Wisconsin Senators Walter Mondale and Gaylord Nelson, respectively, on a canoe trip down the Namekagon River in 1965.

By 1968,  Mondale and Nelson had authored and were successful in passing federal legislation to protect the Namekagon and St. Croix Rivers.  The St. Croix National Scenic River was one of the first eight rivers protected under the 1968 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.


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